[MV] Re: text to speech to mp3/audio cd

Bob Buchanan BobbyB at camstar.com
Mon Feb 17 17:54:47 PST 2003


Just ran across this article on the subject.  (But, I like the script 
idea also)

Domains4Days.com wrote:
>  There is also a very powerful new AppleScript command in Jaguar 10.2.4 that
> can convert any text to a .aiff file -  superfast...
> Something like:
> property default_voice : "Bruce"
> property target_file : "drive1:test:testAUDIO.aiff"
> say "[[rate 300]]" & message_text using default_voice saving to target_file
> ===
> On 2/16/03 8:53 PM, "Jay A. Kreibich" <jak at uiuc.edu> wrote:
>>If you can get the ebooks into raw text or RTF or anything that
>>TextEdit can open, just use the menu option Edit -> Sppeking -> Start
>>Speaking.  You might have to "select all" first.  You can either play
>>these into a tape recorder, or use something like Audio Hijack to
>>redirect the system's audio out to a AIFF file.  At that point you
>>can burn a Red Book CD (standard audio) or make MP3 files or whatever.

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