[MV] Re: ViaVoice update 3.02

John Melby jbmelby at ameritech.net
Fri Jan 3 09:31:14 PST 2003

On Friday, January 3, 2003, at 11:16  AM, Richard Bullen wrote:

> -----Original Message from Bill Gorman on 1/3/03 8:31 AM---
>> There is one report at the versiontracker site of the update not
>> working for Mac OS X 10.2.3.  Any alternate or supporting reports?
> I'm running 10.2.3 on a dual 867Mhz.
> I downloaded and ran the updater and everything appears to work fine.
> However, when I checked the version number on the voice center it still
> indicates version 3.0, as does the SpeakPad application.  I suspect 
> this is
> due to the fact that the release number only goes to the first decimal
> place. Nonetheless I suspicious about whether the update was 
> successful.
> Are there any users who have updated and can see the version as 3.0.2?
> Richard Bullen

I've just checked it, and though all of the components on my machine 
show up as v 3.0, they all have a modification date of December 10, 
2002--so I assume that the version is 3.0.2.
John Melby
Emeritus Professor of Music
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

jbmelby at johnmelby.com

An adorable little girl walked into my pet shop and asked, "Excuse me, 
do you have any rabbits here?"

"I do," I answered, and leaning down to her eye level I asked,
"Did you want a white rabbit or would you rather have a soft, fuzzy 
black rabbit?"
She shrugged.  "I don't think my python really cares."

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