On 7/13/03 1:46 AM, "Camner" <camner at iname.com> wrote: > "Processing failed (rc=0 in step 2" > > There was more, about why this might have happened (such as not allocating > enough virtual memory, which is unlikely). > > I vaguely remember someone posting something about this on this listserv > before, but I cannot remember the details. > > Has any one seen this and found a way to work around it? Robert, My apologies for the long delay in responding to this message other than asking if you had in the update installed. I have been on able to locate the name of the specific file which you may need to manually delete in this situation in order to have processing continue normally in the future. If I remember correctly, (it has been quite some time since I encountered in this error myself) The program will sometimes give you the option to delete the recorded speech when this error occurs. Previously I had that feature of ViaVoice turned off as I found it of dubious value once a voice profile is well trained. Unfortunately, once you turn this feature off the only way to access it again is to create a new user. I have now done so. Hopefully ViaVoice will prompt me to analyze my recorded speech before too long. In which case, maybe I will be able to locate the specific file that contains the recorded speech ViaVoice whishes to analyze. I will keep you posted. -- T. Patrick Henebry tphenebry at comcast.net