if expecting a reply, please note my signature, which contains clarification of my peculiar circumstances. Martin Markoe spake thus: >The Andrea NC-7100 is an OK microphone. It certainly does have more gain >than the Andrea ANC microphones. However, NC stands for noise cancellation >as opposed to ANC which stands for active noise cancellation. If you have >any kind of background noise when you dictate you would benefit from an ANC >microphone. Hello Martin, As an invalid with limited use of my hands, correction is difficult for me, so therefore why it accuracy is very important. Given my system - G4 PowerBook, 667 MHz, USB, 512 Mb RAM, running OS X 10.2.6 - and my speech recognition software of choice - iListen 1.6 - which would be the highest quality microphone that you could recommend which would be available in Australia if possible? best, Erica Mackenzie Crystal Waters Permaculture Village, Conondale, QLD, AUSTRALIA, N.B. Please do not be surprised or annoyed if I fail to answer your post for some time. I have a fluctuating chronic auto-immune neurological condition, and am sometimes unable to use my computer for long periods (weeks or months). Be assured that I will reply as soon as I can - if I can. Please be tolerant. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> for(i=0;i<100;i++){ printf("I must not be rude to M$Windows users. They can't help it."); [self castigate]; } NSTolerance *myTolerance = [[[NSTolerance alloc] initWithKnobsOn: @"bigKnobs"] retain]; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>