[MV] Re: PowerBook G3 and ViaVoice OSX problems

JSenecal at aol.com JSenecal at aol.com
Sun Jun 15 13:01:24 PDT 2003

>>I have a PowerBook G3 with a 400 MHz processor and 320 MB of RAM. I
>>am able to run ViaVoice in OS 9.2.2  but not in OS X (10.2.6). I have the
>>latest upgrade for ViaVoice in OS X (10.2.2)
>Question, Do you still have the version for 9.2.2 installed? This is 
>a long shot but I'm betting you cannot have ViaVoice Enhanced for 
>9.2.2 and ViaVoice for Mac OS X on the same machine.

I never removed ViaVoice Enchanced when I upgraded to OS X, and my 
machine continues to work fine.

I've had some problems on my desktop where it wouldn't recognize anything 
I say, switching Voice Profiles cleared it up (for a while). Before I 
worked that out though, I did a complete reinstall. If I remeber right, I 
had to delete additional files manually before it would work again. But 
an easer route was to create a new voice profile with minimal training, 
and if that worked, switch back to the first profile (which also worked 
for me at this point). Once you have two profiles, switching between them 
seemed to restore functionality for me.

Joe Senecal

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