[MV] Re: ViaVoice vs. iListen

tscheresky at micron.com tscheresky at micron.com
Thu Jun 19 11:06:09 PDT 2003

> cash makes it possible. It is really up to you, the Macintosh 
> community, who will decide whether you want a company focused on 
> Macintosh through thick and thin, or a Windows transplant that comes 
> and goes, independent of your wants and needs. If you want MacSpeech 
> and Macintosh focused companies like us, it would help to constantly 
> make Apple aware that is preferable to a "big name Windows 
> transplant".

I would love to make Apple aware of my need for stable/mature voice recognition software for the Macintosh, and also my desire to support a Macintosh-only software company that is dedicated to providing voice recognition excellence for the Macintosh.  The problem is I do not know where to send the e-mail so that it doesn't automatically get routed to the bit bucket ( Trash can ).  Please give me some suggestions and I will gladly remind Apple the state of affairs of voice recognition for the Macintosh.



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