if expecting a reply, please note my signature, which contains clarification of my peculiar circumstances. Andrew Taylor spake thus: >It is really up to you, the Macintosh >community, who will decide whether you want a company focused on >Macintosh through thick and thin, or a Windows transplant that comes >and goes, independent of your wants and needs. If you want MacSpeech >and Macintosh focused companies like us, it would help to constantly >make Apple aware that is preferable to a "big name Windows >transplant". Thankyou for posting this, Andrew. It needed to be said. This is something I too feel strongly about, and not just in the speech recognition area. I have had a personal boycott against Microsoft products for years, and always try to purchase software from the smaller companies (perhaps it's because my father was a small businessman <g>). It went strongly against the grain for me to buy ViaVoice, an IBM product, but at that time there was no choice for OS X. I still have my doubts about whether iListen will be as easy for me to use as ViaVoice used to be when it worked and do all the things it did. If, however, I and other Mac users hold off purchasing iListen until it has feature X,Y or Z, it may never have them - it may simply die of neglect - our neglect - and then where will we be? I will be purchasing iListen as soon as it 'hits our shores', partly for this reason. I have already ordered my new mic from eMicrophones so as to ensure the best performance possible. best, Erica Mackenzie Crystal Waters Permaculture Village, Conondale, QLD, AUSTRALIA, N.B. Please do not be surprised or annoyed if I fail to answer your post for some time. I have a fluctuating chronic auto-immune neurological condition, and am sometimes unable to use my computer for long periods (weeks or months). Be assured that I will reply as soon as I can - if I can. Please be tolerant. Also, IBM's ViaVoice Speech Recognition software can be held wholly responsible for all typo's, grammatical and other textual errors - it's capable of anything. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> for(i=0;i<100;i++){ printf("I must not be rude to M$Windows users. They can't help it."); [self castigate]; } NSTolerance *myTolerance = [[[NSTolerance alloc] initWithKnobsOn: @"bigKnobs"] retain]; <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>