Comparing iListen and ViaVoice in 2004...

Domains4Days Lists at
Wed Jan 21 08:55:41 PST 2004

WAS: Re: [MV] Re: iListen 1.6.4 - VV & Panther

On 1/20/04 3:01 PM, "JSenecal at" <JSenecal at> wrote:

> I used to use ViaVoice for dictating program code, but since the release
> of iListen 1.6, I've been using iListen instead. I found Via Voice easier
> to use when dictating into it's own Speak Pad application, but for
> dictation into other applications, iListen works much better for me.

Interesting.  I'm curious to hear about comparisons between iListen and
ViaVoice 3.x in 2004 running on Panther 10.3.2. Basically, I own them both,
however my version of iListen is very old and I stopped using it after the
first couple of revisions because at the time, ViaVoice worked much better
for me.  So basically I'm curious to compare them with the newest version:
iListen 1.6.4...

-  As was stated, there will be no further upgrades for ViaVoice - so I
imagine it will become more buggy over time with the newer systems.
-   Surprisingly - I have found that ViaVoice still works good in Panther.
However, I have found that the accuracy is far higher in the SpeakPad
program - then outside of it.

In my experience with ViaVoice - I find that in SpeakPad I can get 95
percent accuracy or better sometimes! the accuracy is much lower without
SpeakPad...  Maybe somewhere around 85 percent or so.
Q:  iListen 1.6.4 - Given that you have successfully trained it and are
doing corrections as you go - what is the general accuracy during regular
use? 80%? 90%? 95%? BETTER?.....

Q:  Correction mode is pretty easy in SpeakPad. Originally, a lot of people
on this list were complaining about correction mode in earlier versions of
iListen... So how cumbersome is correction mode now?

I would welcome any other comparisons between the two programs.

Thanks - RevDave
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