[MV] Re: Comparing iListen and ViaVoice in 2004...

thechuck at mac.com thechuck at mac.com
Wed Jan 21 14:38:39 PST 2004

Dave (and everyone else):

To clarify, I worked very hard to get my accuracy that high... and it 
occurred over months, not days. I *do* dictate, particularly when I 
need to put hard copy into the computer. I find dictating in this 
instance preferable to OCR or typing. I also do quite a bit of 
dictation when testing a new version (I continually tested new versions 
of both iListen and ViaVoice).

But for day to day use (such as this email) my brain is still wired in 
such a way that I am more comfortable typing.

There is no secret to getting good accuracy.

1). Dictate whenever you can.
2). Employ correction.
3). Teach it new words.
4). Use a high-quality, noise-canceling microphone.

This advice applies to any speech recognition product - not just 

Regarding microphones, I still think an analog mic into my good old 
reliable Pismo renders better accuracy than USB mics, or analog mics 
with USB pods. I realize this is not an option for anyone with a newer 
Mac, however.

Best Regards,

Chuck Rogers

On Jan 21, 2004, at 4:30 PM, Domains4Days wrote:

> Thanks Chuck for the detailed information. Consistently getting above 
> 95%
> sounds great however you mentioned you don't use it for dictation... 
> So, is
> there anybody out there that IS using iListen for dictation and can 
> say that
> they're getting a nice high percentage of accuracy for dictation use? 
> If so,
> what is the percentage?

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