[MV] new problems with ViaVoice after upgrading to System 10.3.6?

thechuck at mac.com thechuck at mac.com
Thu Nov 18 16:44:34 PST 2004


Extra small words in iListen are almost always due to the microphone 
being too close to the mouth, and in the path of the breath stream. It 
can also be caused by a source of noise or airflow from behind you.

Try moving the microphone a little to the side and maybe a little away 
(it should be no closer than 2 fingertips to your lips). When properly 
positioned, you should be able to take a drink from a normal drinking 
glass without spilling the liquid or touching the mic.

Try that and let me know if your accuracy improves. (You may want to 
also try running "Set Up My Microphone" again once you reposition the 

Best Regards,

Chuck Rogers, Chief Evangelist
MacSpeech, Inc.

On Nov 18, 2004, at 6:38 PM, Damien Fox wrote:

> Hello everyone!
> Has anyone had any new problems with ViaVoice after upgrading to 
> System 10.3.6?
>  I'm trying to switch to iListen, but it isn't working for me so far.  
> Accuracy is lower (though I haven't finished training every story yet 
> or worked with correction) and I get lots of extra small words.  I'm 
> hoping to make the switch to iListen before I am forced to because 
> ViaVoice suddenly stops working with a new OS X system upgrade.  
> Better to migrate on my terms, I think.
> Until I do become a " switcher ", I'm reluctant to upgrade my system 
> without hearing about the experiences of others first.
> Thanks,
> Damien Fox
> Damien Fox
> Online at:  http://copyrightcanada.blogspot.com/
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