[MV] new problems with ViaVoice after upgrading to System 10.3.6?

Valerie Maples vlmaples at bellsouth.net
Thu Nov 18 17:47:18 PST 2004

Dear Norm;

Finishing the stories and analyzing your documents for your unique
vocabulary and syntax will help dramatically. If you don't correct your
mistakes, however, you will be plagued with many problems. I suggest you
remove that profile and start another one, and correct by selecting the
little word with the most likely word that generated it, for example if you
see the word to after something with the T, highlight those two words
together, and generally speaking you will find the single word in the choice
list, or you can write in the single word. Every time you do not correct it,
you increase the likelihood it will appear again.

I have used all the voice products on both platforms, and iListen seems to
have the "hottest mic" by far of any of the products. There are two ways of
dealing with this, the first is in setting up the microphone to manually
adjust the gain, the second is to simply stay a greater distance away from
the microphone.

Because iListen is the only product dedicated to the Macintosh platform and
ViaVoice will no longer be producing upgrades to accommodate systems
software changes, I feel it is important that we support this product and
provide feedback to help it improve. It is difficult since the accuracy is
so much less than other products, but the availability of command and
control script packs as well as continuing research and development merit
our continued support.

Best wishes!


Voice recognition in use; I talk, iListen types, I correct. Neither of us is
perfect.  :-)

On 11/18/04 6:47 PM, "Norm Birtwistle" <nfb at iaw.com> wrote:

> Finish the stories. You will be amazed at the improvement.
> On Nov 18, 2004, at 7:38 PM, Damien Fox wrote:
>>  I'm trying to switch to iListen, but it isn't working for me so far.
>> Accuracy is lower (though I haven't finished training every story yet
>> or worked with correction) and I get lots of extra small words.  I'm
>> hoping to make the switch to iListen before I am forced to because
>> ViaVoice suddenly stops working with a new OS X system upgrade.
>> Better to migrate on my terms, I think.

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