[MV] Re: Fwd: Voice Activation

Michael Gherrity mike at gherrity.org
Tue Aug 16 03:39:39 PDT 2005

I was thinking about developing a system independent of the Phillips  
speech recognition engine.

On Aug 14, 2005, at 2:36 AM, Tara Star wrote:
> On Aug 14, 2005, at 03:33, Michael Gherrity wrote:
>> On Aug 13, 2005, at 8:19 AM, Chuck Rogers wrote:
>>> Steph, I know how badly you want French - and we want to provide  
>>> it just as badly. But until we find a workaround for our current  
>>> technical issues, it just ain't gonna happen.
>> Perhaps an open source solution is necessary. That way we will not  
>> be stuck with whatever Philipps seems to think is economically  
>> feasible. There is some work that has been done by Carnegie Melon  
>> University in this area. What do people think about this?
> Well, that's actually kind of what I had in mind when I was talking  
> about "third-party" development of the language pack/speech engine.  
> Problem is that it requires Philips to release their source code --  
> not sure there is a chance they would ever do that.
> Steph

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