[MV] Italian version of iListen 1.6.8 released

Chuck Rogers chuck.rogers at macspeech.com
Thu Jun 2 08:30:30 PDT 2005


Just a note to let you know the Italian version of iListen 1.6.8 was  
just released by our Italian distributor, Active Software. It is a  
free update for all iListen 1.6 users. More information is available  
on the MacSpeech web site (www.macspeech.com).

Best Regards,

Chuck Rogers, Chief Evangelist
MacSpeech, Inc.

There is an .p7m attachment to my email, what is it?
It is a digital certificate/signature file I use to assure recipients  
that the email really was sent by Chuck Rogers. If this file is  
received as a text block, then you are using a mail client which is  
not S/MIME compatible, and will not be able to use the attached  

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