[MV] Which Voice Recog Software for Transcribing

Tony Johansen tjoh7019 at bigpond.net.au
Wed Feb 22 19:42:00 PST 2006

On 23/2/2006 1:53 PM, "Damien Fox" <ahdfox at mac.com> wrote:

> hands down, dragon NS for windows :-(
> no, im not a troll, just a sad (reverse)switcher... with three macs
> still, but an CP box for VR.
> On Feb 22, 2006, at 8:25 PM, Cliff Rediger wrote:
>> New to list.
>> running Tiger 10.4.5 on MacMini
>> Wonder if I can receive comparative comments
>> on the best of the voice recognition software
>> for transcribing/dictation.
>> Perused the archives and was surprised to see suggestions that
>> transcription could be very challenging.
>> All advise appreciated.
>> Thank you.

Despite the above comment there would be others who would disagree. Using
the voice software all comes down to training the software, and there is an
excellent Mac only product that is very similar to dragon once it is
properly trained (maybe some people might argue is better) called iListen
from MacSpeech. 

Info here:  http://www.macspeech.com/products/

I would write direct to their marvellously helpful guru and evangelist Chuck
Rogers and ask him the question directly. It is nice to find a company that
is so interactive and helpful with it's customers as MacSpeech, and that is
one more reason that makes their products worth inspecting. Chuck can give
you all sorts of info on how and why voice recognition works or does not in
particular cases and how to maximise the results.  His email address is

                     chuck.rogers at macspeech.com

Best of luck

A Life Of Art

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