[MV] IBM ViaVoice 3 and 10.4.7

Chuck Rogers chuck.rogers at macspeech.com
Fri Sep 1 12:14:54 PDT 2006


I'm sorry, but I really need to jump in here. I tried to keep my  
mouth shut, but I just can't.

Neither IBM or Nuance has any intention of modifying ViaVoice, and I  
have yet to hear from anyone who can get it to work on an Intel Mac.  
The last update of ViaVoice was April of 2003 - over 3 years ago!

Meanwhile, we have been busting our arses for the past 6 years and,  
by all accounts have (some time ago, actually) finally surpassed  
ViaVoice in accuracy - we were ALWAYS better in terms of command and  
control. Since April of 2003 we have issued multiple updates AND kept  
up with changes in the Mac OS. If you accept the fact that speech  
recognition is also more prone to issues than any other type of  
software you are likely to use on your computer, our set up and use  
is also relatively hassle-free in comparison to ViaVoice.

I really appreciate the fact that many of you have established  
profiles in ViaVoice, I really do. But even NY Times Columnist David  
Pogue - who is an avid NatruallySpeaking fanatic - reported (in the  
NY Times) that he was able to get almost 96 percent accuracy after  
using the latest version for only 30 minutes!

So, let me ask: what is it going to take to get y'all to switch to  
the ONLY speech recognition software that is GUARANTEED to work on  
current Macs, from a company that continues to develop and support  
it? Let me know, and I will do my best to provide it if it is at all  
in my power. (Keep in mind that at some point, you will have to  
switch anyway - when you get an Intel Mac).

Best Regards,

Chuck Rogers, Chief Evangelist
MacSpeech, Inc.

On Sep 1, 2006, at 1:57 PM, Jonathan Levi, M.D. wrote:

> At 8:18 PM -0500 8/31/06, Paul Spilseth wrote:
>> ViaVoice works fine with 10.4.7 but I also get the message, ""The  
>> Microphone is Being Used Exclusively By Another Application".  I  
>> discovered this happens when I try to turn on the microphone too  
>> soon after bringing it up the application.  If I wait and turn on  
>> the microphone after the speech pad is completely open, I do not  
>> get this message
>> Paul Spilseth, MD
> You're too kind to ViaVoice re its grammar -- it really does say,  
> "The Microphone Is Been used..." Nevertheless, I appreciate your  
> comment, as well as revDave's re the F8 key.
> (The F8 key does work, to some extent: It recovers from "The  
> Microphone Is Been Used", but the red, yellow & green buttons on  
> the VoiceCenter icon don't activate, so there's no easy way to quit  
> VoiceCenter.)
>> On Aug 30, 2006, at 11:16 AM, Jonathan Levi, M.D. wrote:
>>> But first: Can you still use "backspace" and "pick 1" in your  
>>> current 10.4.6 setup?
> Amazing -- they're now working again! Seems to be related to the  
> order of my user commands: if I start SpeakPad, then say, "What Can  
> I Say", the resulting "What Can I Say" window contains the full  
> suite of SpeakPad commands, including "backspace", "pick 1",  
> "uppercase this", etc.  However, at other times, the window either  
> doesn't contain the "SpeakPad" suite of commands at all, or  
> sometimes only a partial suite, with only the "Menu  Commands"  
> subheading present, and all the rest missing.  It seems as though  
> my only recourse at that point may be to quit SpeakPad,  
> VoiceCenter, etc. and restart.
> Regardless, I'm overjoyed to have my full suite of commands back.  
> Thank you all very much for your help,
> Jonathan
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