[MV] IBM ViaVoice 3 and 10.4.7

Gavin Wynford-Jones gavinwj at wanadoo.fr
Fri Sep 1 14:29:10 PDT 2006

I used "command" loosely.

Plus, you highlight another issue: if you're dictating into MS Word  
and using styles, for example, having two carriage returns is a no- 
no. Two returns is a leftover from typewriter days... That reduces  
iListen's acceptability in some quarters.


On 1 Sep 2006, at 23:18, Joseph Senecal wrote:

> On Sep 1, 2006, at 1:59 PM, Gavin Wynford-Jones wrote:
>>  Dragon made sure that all commands were at least two words,  
>> MacSpeech took a different tack and allowed one word commands (my  
>> all-time bugbear is "paragraph" which is recognised as a command  
>> 100% of the time, even in the middle of a sentence, never as a  
>> word), without providing an easy method to customise, expand,  
>> alter, or delete anything in the command dictionary: I want to set  
>> it so that "paragraph" is never recognised as a command, "return"  
>> types the word rather than pressing the return key, and to be able  
>> to define "New paragraph" and "Press return key" as replacement  
>> commands.
> In iListen (specifically in the speech engine which is licensed by  
> MacSpeech), "paragraph" is a predefined word that types two return  
> characters, it is not a command. "New Paragraph" is also a word and  
> types the same characters. The difference between a word and a  
> command is that words can be corrected. Thus you can correct  
> "Paragraph" to spell out the word instead of typing the returns. I  
> run into the same problem with "Line" vs. "New Line". It's  
> annoying, but iListen does eventually start recognizing it as a  
> word at least some of the time.
> I agree that a word editor that allows deletion of problematic  
> words would be very helpful in these situations. It would be great  
> to be able to get rid of words that you don't use but show up  
> inconveniently often in recognition. Also it would be nice to be  
> able to delete words you added by accident (misspelled words or  
> other word entry errors).
> Joe Senecal
> Note: I have no connection with MacSpeech other than being a User.
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