[MV] IBM ViaVoice 3 and 10.4.7

Chuck Rogers chuck.rogers at macspeech.com
Thu Sep 7 23:13:57 PDT 2006

Dave (and everyone else):

ABSOLUTELY! We had this feature before ViaVoice! (We introduced it in  
a product called "ListenDo!" which was a free download for Mac OS 9).

iListen has had a macro function since we introduced it six years  
ago. You can have macros of up to 32,000 characters (that's 8 pages  
of text!). iListen 1.7 introduces the capability to have the macros  
pasted using the clipboard instead of typed, which is a great time  

Related to this, iListen can mimic any keypress (including any  
keyboard shortcut with any combination of modifiers), and iListen can  
control the menu of any application that was programmed according to  
Apple's developer guidelines.

Best Regards,

Chuck Rogers, Chief Evangelist
MacSpeech, Inc.

On Sep 7, 2006, at 10:38 AM, revDAVE wrote:

> Hello Chuck & Everyone,
> Does iListen have a feature like ViaVoice has called " macros  
> "? ... With
> this feature you could use any word or phrase to trigger a text  
> string.
> EX: I have used the phrase " print whole address" to trigger my whole
> address - complete with several return characters - my whole  
> address and
> several more returns...
> This 'macro' feature is quite handy  and I use it a lot... I'm  
> curious, does
> anyone else use this type of tool in whatever program you use?
> --
> Thanks - RevDave
> CoolCat at hosting4days.com
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