At 8:55 AM -0800 2/21/07, Regina Sadono wrote: >.... I have been a writer for all of my life >and find that it's a very specific process that starts with creating >words/sounds in the quiet of my mind and then these get recorded through the >activity of my hands either by writing or typing. Writing is a very >specific neurological process and I have not been able to access this >process orally I, on the other hand, find it much easier to dictate into voice-recognition software than to type. Perhaps it's because I type so much more slowly than I think :-). And yes, I'm still adding words and macros to my custom vocabularies and have been doing so since 2003 (I'm a physician and most of my added words are "medicalese"). Incidentally, I'm one of what's probably a very small number of Mac-dictators still using IBM ViaVoice, and thank this list for a few critical pointers making the continued use possible. (However, Chuck, I've finally ordered iListen--perhaps this thorn in your side is going to be removed at last!) So if you think you might be tempted to try voice-recognition software a little longer, resolve to be very patient, and you may find the results surprisingly rewarding. --Jonathan