I love the Mac. I have supported iListen from the beginning. I have the latest version of iListen, and I will continue to upgrade it as long as it remains the best voice-recognition product for the Macintosh. With that said, I have to be honest. I'm a high-level quadriplegic with no use of my arms. I'm employed as a software engineer for a company that is primarily a Windows shop. I use Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional ( DNS Pro ) 9 all day long at work. The only time I touch my keyboard is when I log into my workstation. Because of off hours support, I have windows and DNS Pro at home. I used to have a PC at home. But then I got a 2.66 GHz Mac Pro at home. I installed Parallels on my Mac, and then Windows XP and DNS Pro 9 On Parallels. It worked so well I got rid of the PC. Personally I would never let Windows take over my Mac by running boot camp. With parallels if I need to get my Mac, I simply minimize Parallels Desktop. With boot camp you have to reboot to get to the Mac, and then reboot to go back to Windows. Big waste of time if you ask me. So in closing I say, come on MacSpeech. Even though dictation works good in iListen, I'm one of those people that needs more. I need the ability to use iListen hands-free. I can't wait for the day I can get rid of Windows. Come on MacSpeech make it happen. Thanks... Todd