[MV] (no subject)

Chuck Rogers thechuck at mac.com
Sun Aug 31 07:17:22 PDT 2008


While I no longer work for MacSpeech, and I am also not part of their  
beta team, I did work for them for the better part of a decade and I  
can tell you the following: MacSpeech will come out with Correction  
and Spelling when they feel they are ready. MacSpeech Dictate is  
already an amazing improvement over iListen, even without Correction  
and Spelling.

Many of you may not remember this, but Dragon announced support for  
Mac OS X when it was first announced many years ago. They discontinued  
their efforts before the product even reached beta. What I want you to  
get from this is that even though Mac OS X is much more mature now,  
with better development tools, it is still a daunting task to make the  
interaction between the computer and user as Mac-like as possible,  
while maintaining reliability.

While MacSpeech can certainly be faulted for not communicating better  
with its end user community, I have every confidence that once an  
update is announced it will meet or exceed all expectations.

Chuck Rogers

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