On 12/9/2008 5:05 PM, "Jay Gonzales" <jay.gonzales at macspeech.com> wrote: > In MacSpeech Dictate v1.2.x, the use of keyboard or mouse in Dictate's Note > Pad will result in the text input in reverse, or the cursor jumping to the > beginning of the document. This is due to Note Pad being a "dictation only" > word processor. > > You can paste text from other text editors into Note Pad. Use the Cache > Document command to prepare that text for editing through dictation. Thanks for the info Jay. I guess I'll just use regular word processors - since I am faster with speak and fingers..... Is there any benefit to the dictate notepad over regular word processors? BTw: Still seems weird - cause I'm used to ViaVoice NotePad which 'STILL' actually works like a word processor (even though it's on it's last legs from zero updates in years....) -- Thanks - RevDave Cool @ hosting4days . com [db-lists]