[MV] Dictate shipping

Chuck Rogers chuck.rogers at macspeech.com
Thu Feb 21 07:31:32 PST 2008

Just as an FYI, NEW (full retail) packages of MacSpeech Dictate do  
include a new microphone, but this has to do with making sure the user  
has a microphone that works well with both Macs (which have a  
different audio input requirement than PCs) and our product.

On Feb 20, 2008, at 11:32 PM, <tscheresky at micron.com> <tscheresky at micron.com 
 > wrote:

> Bundling is a sales gimmick.  You bundle a good product with a  
> marginal
> one, and charge more.  Can you say ViaVoice?  If you use voice
> recognition you probably already have a good microphone, and you know
> what you like in a microphone and don't want someone choosing one for
> you.  MacSpeech made the right decision by not including a microphone
> with Dictate and charging more.
> Todd

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