[MV] Re: MacSpeech Dictate Problems - Part 2 (was "MacSpeech Forum")

Chuck Rogers thechuck at mac.com
Tue Oct 28 11:20:03 PDT 2008


This is part 2 of my message regarding MacSpeech Dictate problems...

But now that car company you abandoned has been getting great reviews  
and you decide its time to try them out again. So you buy the brand  
new model and guess what? The car screeches  every time you make a  
left turn and it is driving you crazy. Since you had a bad experience  
with that car company before, your initial reaction is to call the car  
a lemon. So you let everyone know the car company hasn't really  
changed and they are still putting out lemons. You might even be  
convinced that all the other people claiming satisfaction are somehow  
in cahoots with the car company just to sell more cars to an  
unsuspecting public.

But here you have this "lemon" and you really want it to work. So you  
take it back to the dealer and guess what? They look under the car and  
the find a piece of metal lodged near the left tire that definitely  
wasn't part of the car and wasn't put there by the manufacturer or the  
dealership. It probably got lodged there when you ran over it on your  
way home after you first bought the car and you never noticed it. The  
dealership removes the piece of metal and no more screeching.

Something similar is probably happening to those who are experiencing  
problems with the 1.2 release. Speech recognition software touches  
more pieces of the operating system than anything you have running on  
your computer. Chances are, if you are experiencing a crash -  
especially a kernel panic - it is probably due to something else  
running on your computer that is monopolizing  resource MacSpeech  
Dictate needs to do its thing. Heck, it might even be something you  
purposely installed with the intention of making your life easier that  
just isn't compatible with MacSpeech Dictate.

My suggestion is that you work privately with the MacSpeech support  
team to discover the cause of your particular problem, and then report  
back here with what was causing the problem so the rest of us know  
what to watch out for.

Chuck Rogers

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