[MV] Can we have less argument? Yes Ellen.

Harry Dragoni-Harness harryd at cleanairgroup.com
Wed Sep 3 04:20:07 PDT 2008

Thank you Arnie, now get off the list.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 1, 2008, at 10:32 PM, Arnie Rosner <arnie at arnierosner.com> wrote:

> OK...
> My apologies to the whole list.  Thank you Ellen for raising this  
> point.
> Although, maybe it is just my imagination, but I have seen more  
> action on this list in the last few days than Since January.  So why  
> is that?  Are traditional Mac users more trusting than a converted  
> PC user? <LOL>
> I also apologize for appearing as argumentative.  The truth is that  
> I am greatly offended by people I spend money with based on  
> advertised claims that set expectations and then not only fail to  
> deliver as I was led to expect but also refuse to even offer the  
> common courtesy of an explanation.
> I already acknowledge my stupidity and dumbness so perhaps it is me  
> that is out of line here.  But if in fact I am enraged by this  
> behavior on the part of MacSpeak, Inc, registered as a Delaware  
> corporation that is based in New Hampshire (ever wonder about that?)  
> and admittedly stupid and dumb what does that make the rest of you  
> that are so content, like sheep, no excuse me Ostriches, to go along  
> with this charade?
> For those with their heads still above the ground only; not for  
> Ostriches
> http://forums.macworld.com/message/660790
> Arnie
> A disabled, old, dumb and stupid registered Dictate user NOW powered  
> by a PC driven Dragon Natural Speak 10.0 (it corrects, it learns and  
> it really works---as advertised)
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