... still curious about this... Hello everybody, I have a couple of issues working with Dragon Dictate 2.0.1 1 - no matter what I seem to do with the headset, or the microphone set up, I seem to still get random words popping in quite often on the Dictate notepad, generally words like: the a etc. I have worked with the microphone set up many times and it seems to usually set the number at roughly 54. On other times, I have manually dragged the volume slider on the setup down to 10 or 15, much softer, and it still has these problems. In addition, I have made sure that the microphone is in no way close to my mouth where it might be getting any wind noise. Also I work in a very quiet environment. My microphone is a $50 Plantronics USB headset. This has always worked fine in the past, without this issue appearing. 2 - I work with text macros, and a new problem that has arisen is that often, after I say a text macro, the following normal words that come after are not recognized, so they are lost. This is a new occurrence that I don't remember prior to this latest update. This is troublesome. Has anyone else experienced this? 3 - DASH: sometimes I will say the word 'dash' in the middle of a phrase, and dictate will put it between the two words with no spaces. Personally, I will always want spaces on either side of the character. In the vocabulary editor, I tried to create the character set that I wanted: SPACE-SPACE, hoping it would override the other one I said the word 'dash' but it does not seem to be working correctly. Any ideas how to get this working to override the dictate default? -- Thanks, Dave - DealTek dealtek at gmail.com [db-10]