[MV] Nuance Dictate

Randy B. Singer randy at macattorney.com
Fri Apr 15 17:55:55 PDT 2011

On Apr 15, 2011, at 1:54 PM, david wrote:

> It works excellent for me. Maybe if you tried to work with DD than  
> fighting & bad mouthing it you wouldn’t have so many problems.

I find it surprising that so many users seem to love Nuance Dragon  
Dictate.  On this very list there used to be a bunch of folks who had  
serious reservations about iListen.

Is there anyone on this list that doesn't like DD?  (I hope that  
these folks aren't too intimidated to speak up.)  It would be  
valuable to hear from those who haven't had success with the product.

Randy B. Singer
Attorney at Law

Author of: The Macintosh Software Guide for the Law Office

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