[MV] Headsets and bluetooth adapters

David Morrison David_Morrison at internode.on.net
Sun Oct 30 19:11:42 PDT 2011

>I've used all the ones you list, and would NOT recommend the 
>Calisto. I took the Samson with me when I was doing demos in Apple 
>stores for MacSpeech and loved it. In a quiet environment, I found 
>the Revolabs xTag to be almost as accurate (and it is more 
>comfortable since nothing goes on your head). You may also want to 
>look at the Sennheiser DW Pro-1 or DW Pro-2. I have not used the 
>Sennheisers but they are highly rated.

They do seem highly regarded. Anyone used one with Dictate???


David Morrison
PO Box 105, Cardiff, NSW 2285, Australia
David_Morrison at internode.on.net
Ph +61 2 49546164
IT Consulting and Support

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