[MV] Dragon Dictate - is it worth it?

David Morrison davidmorrisonann at gmail.com
Fri Dec 6 16:54:57 PST 2013


This list has been quiet for  while but maybe this will liven it up a bit....

A wrist problem I had back in 1998 has just flared up again. Back 
then, one of the solutions was to use voice recognition software. I 
used IBM's Via Voice fairly successfully, and various versions of 
what eventually became MacSpeech Dictate. I never got that 
comfortable with MacSpeech Dictate because of its reliance in 
dictating into its own text box, and the clumsiness of the method to 
correct its recognition of what you said.

Dragon have just sent me an e-mail for Dragon Thursday where they are 
offering a really good deal on Dictate v3.

I am wondering whether it has improved enough to make it worth trying 
again. I would love to hear about your experiences.

Also, I see they now have a Bluetooth microphone. Does this work 
well, or would I be better using a USB microphone, specifically a 
Parrot from last time I used Dictate? Is the Bluetooth headset 
comfortable to wear?

Oh, and one more question - The offer requires shipping it from the 
US. Does this mean I get the US English version, or does it include 
all versions in the one package?



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