[MV] Dragon Dictate - is it worth it?

David Morrison davidmorrisonann at gmail.com
Sun Dec 8 05:31:50 PST 2013

>Hi, David!
>You are doing far better than me if you can remember beta testers 
>from MacSpeech! Seems like 1 million years ago, now.
>Like you, I found the built-in dictation with the built-in 
>microphones to be incredibly accurate, in a low noise environment at 
>least. I was stunned that it worked so well on my MacBook Air. I 
>find that the older generation USB microphones like the Parrot are 
>quite inferior to more recent models & the iPhone. I do believe it 
>gets better over time, but I couldn't be very specific.
>There are a lot of peculiarities to the nomenclature of Dragon 
>Dictate 3, but if you follow them, it is also highly accurate. It 
>does learn, too, and it does very well ignoring things like coughs, 
>sneezes, & throat clearing.

Well, I did order it, and I guess it will arrive in a week or two. 
Freight was not as expensive as usual from the USA. By the time I 
convert to Australian dollars, though, it turns out to be not much 
cheaper than the street price of Dictate here.

I almost bought the downloadable version, but thought a new mic was 
probably desirable. I remember discussion on the MacSpeech list about 
microphones and that they did deteriorate over time. Nevertheless, 
the Parrot is still a good mic for Skype or similar uses.



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