<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:verdana, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:10pt">> From: DealTek <dealtek@gmail.com><br>> Subject: [MV] Anybody tried the new Dictate Update?<br><br>I upgraded 1 of my Mac's to Lion the day after it was released. I tested Dragon Dictate (DD) 2.0.3 with Lion for several hours and had no troubles, so I updated all my Macs to Lion. It was shortly after that when I launched DD 2.0.3 that I was offered the DD 2.5 upgrade. Since my experience with Lion and DD 2.0.3 I decided to go ahead with the upgrade.<br><br>I can honestly say I have had no trouble with DD 2.5. It works as well as DD 2.0.3 if not better in speed and accuracy. My AppleScript commands perform better with DD 2.5. Though I can't say that this should solely be attributed to DD 2.5. I did notice that after upgrading to Lion all my computers ran quicker. I think the dictation accuracy might be slightly better with DD
2.5. So that's my initial review. If you had no issues with DD 2.0.3 I would guess you probably will not have any issues after the upgrade to DD 2.5.<br></div></body></html>