Chris I have the same TiBook as you and, although I don't have the trackpad problem [yet], I can't find the reset button you mention under the keyboard. There are a couple of holes in the chassis but only components on the motherboard in view. I do have a system reset button under the socket flap at the back right next to the modem outlet socket which is on the very left side looking from the front. You have to use a pen tip to reset it. Graham UK based, UK purchased 550 TiBook OS 10.2 256 RAM On Sunday, December 1, 2002, at 07:56 PM, Christopher Owens wrote: > Hey there fellow TiBookers... > > Just wanted to see if anyone else has had this problem. My trackpad > went all buggy. What I mean is that sometimes it would work, then it > wouldn't, and then it would again. I looked on Apple's support page > and it was suggested that I reset the Power Manager by lifting up the > keyboard and pressing the reset button that is just to the left of the > power button. I did this, and it seems to have worked. Just thought > I'd pass the info along just in case someone else was having the same > experience. > > BTW I'm running Jaguar 10.2.1 on a TiBook 550 MHz with combo drive. > > Chris Owens, NAD V > Certified Sign Language Interpreter > Cincinnati, Ohio > (513) 706-1958 mobile office > (513) 861-3104 home