Keyboard marks screen, etc.

Dave Titus bullyt at
Wed Dec 4 03:58:42 PST 2002

My year plus experience with a Ti 500 showed key marks on the screen, 
this despite use of leather and other inserts. I continued to use 
iKlear on the screen and the keyboard and have eliminated any insert. 
My wife and I really don't see any key "imprints" any more. Perhaps it 
also had to do with locking the keyboard down which on the Ti 500 is 
between F4 and F5. On my new Ti 1 gig the lock is between F5 and F6. I 
have not used any inserts on the Ti 1 gig but do clean the screen and 
keyboard occasionally and have not noticed any marks appearing although 
I've only had the Ti 1 gig for a few weeks.

Incidentally the Ti 1 gig feels more "solid" than the Ti 500 and seems 
to have been strengthened in  the cd/dvd area. It used to be if you 
grabbed that area while a DVD was playing the play would be affected - 
that doesn't seem to be a problem with the Ti 1 gig.

It's also interesting to note that there have been some keyboard 
changes e.g. the two keys to the right of the space bar on the 500 
Enter & Option have been changed to Cmd (Apple) & Enter; the F7 key on 
the 1 gig has an added symbol indicating that the key is to be used to 
"toggle between dual display mode and video mirroring mode;" and 
finally the mute key has been changed from F6 to F3.

As far as Ti 1 gig Airport reception, I believe it has improved 
although I haven't really challenged it.

All in all IMHO there have been some subtle but nice improvements, 
evidence I guess of a mature product and Apple listening to feedback.

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