Whenever my machine panics the machine will not turn on again propertly. Specifically, the display fails to come on. Curiously if I take out the paower and remove teh battery, replace and power on again the display will come on. After the panic I am shutting the machine down by holding the power button down and I notice the change because my power light on the owerconnector will change. What does your machine do after a panic? Does it come on properly again? Sometimes if I force holding down the option key whilst powering up seems to kick the display into gear by showing the bootable devices screen. Surely strange voodoo. Right now my powerbook is being looked at my a technician. I re-install jag 10.2 and updated to 10.2.2 and have since seen the problem again. ie. the grey screen appearing. the technician suspects either bad memory or bad logic board.