Anybody ever notice in newspaper advertisements with screen shots of web browser screens that probably 80% of the time they were done on a Mac? They are usually Netscape, OS 9. Way out of proportion to Mac market share, but that goes to show you how much Macs are used in the ad industry. Brett > > How does Apple manage this when other companies pay for it? > >Because Apple has cool products that people *want* to have in their >productions. Gives Apple a leg up. :-) > >Plus, there are many times when a production uses Macs just because they >want to. Seinfeld was a perfect example. > >We all know that Jerry Seinfeld's character had a Mac on his desk. At the >beginning of each season, it was whatever the latest and greatest of Apple's >products were. > >Well, Apple never "placed" those products there. The Set Designers were fans >of Apple's products and they put them there themselves. As a matter of fact, >Jerry Seinfeld doesn't use a computer.