I don't think we're boasting per se, In light of seeing 400 Dell ads a day or the many Intel ads kicking around the argument (somewhere) is whether Apple is paying for well placed sightings (with cash, products, mentions) - or whether these are simply the work of Apple "fans" - getting these systems in place on set when the shot calls for "Actor A" to be using 'The Computer". Is this brilliant advertsing by Apple?? Or nothing at all? As far as being standard - I see a point there - most creative's use them and therefore like using them in their scenes.. But in relation to Market Share - I would expect to see a Mac on TV like maybe once every ten years. Unless it's some show about an ad agency or something.. Of course they 'should' all be Mac's ;-) On we go.. >On 12/9/02 11:07 AM, "Peter Bell" <macbantam at mac.com> wrote: > > I have always presumed that the reason it *always* seems to be Apple > computers used in TV and films, is that the people who design TV shows > and films use Apples and they simply use their own. Isn't it as simple > as that? > > And... don't you think that Apple products are almost standard on these > occasions - so much so that it's hardly worth us boasting about? > > PeteBell, UK Bill Reburn