I've been using data over GSM for almost two years and now over GPRS. It definitely works very well. At least is has been as consistent as the cellular system allows. Calls over GSM to an ISP are slow, but they have been very reliable all over the US and I've even done some dialups from Mexico to my earthlink account here. I have not used GPRS enough, but it definitely feels faster. My recommendation would definitely be GSM. It works in other countries and the phones can be switched quickly if there is a problem while retaining your phone number and address book because of the SIM chip. Use good phones like the top of the line Sony-ericsson or Nokias, it will pay off for you. The bluetooth ones are especially attractive as they can be placed where reception is better while working from a comfortable position without worrying about wires. PRC-2000 wrote: > Our company is getting ready to explore the use of TiBooks and cell phones > to transmit digital photos back to our photo desk. I would appreciate any > feedback you all have on the reliability, speed, choice of phones . > > 1. Which system provides reliable high speed data transfer (GSM vs. GPRS, > are the equivalent)? > > 2. What phones are compatible with the TiBook/iBooks (are there any USB > cables that can be used to connect the cell phone to the laptop? > > 3. Do cell phone plans charge by the KB or MB? Is there a base fee for, > say, 10MB then per additional KB or MB? > > Thanks in advance, > > > Eric Krosnes, CCNA, CCDA > Publishing Systems Administrator > Evansville Courier & Press > Evansville, IN 47713 > > Work: 812.464.7514 > Fax: 812.422.8196