[Ti] the green line monster

Kynan Shook kshook at mac.com
Sat Dec 14 09:53:14 PST 2002

Sorry Chris, I phrased that poorly.  What I *should* have said is that 
there was some miscommunication somewhere: whether the rep stated it 
poorly, or whether he had a poor grasp of what he was communicating I 
can't say.  But the truth is that once a problem is fixed, it's only 
covered under the 90-day service warranty, the 1-year hardware 
warranty, or the 3-year AppleCare warranty, whichever is longer.  If a 
problem is fixed and it happens again a year or two out of warranty, 
it's completely up to Apple if they will fix it or not; and in most 
cases (unless it's just barely out of warranty) they probably won't fix 
it.  I just don't want anybody to get their hopes up that since they 
had a DVD drive replaced once under warranty, they get to have free DVD 
drives for life if theirs ever breaks again.

Christopher Owens <cwosigns at mac.com> writes:
> Don't tell me that I misunderstood the Apple customer service
> representative, because I didn't.  He was quite clear.  If I sent my
> TiBook in to have the paint issue (a manufacturer's defect) addressed
> under warranty, it would be fixed again if it became an issue and was a
> manufacturer's defect.  Unless you were on the phone with me and the
> service rep, do not presume to know what he told me.

Kynan Shook
kshook at mac.com

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