[Ti] FW: TiBook 1GHz/SuperDrive US Mac OS ROM file?

Paul Russell prussell at arc-software.com
Sun Dec 29 00:01:54 PST 2002

>One response that I have heard and had not considered until I heard it was
>that Mac OS 9 is a 'security issue' to Mac OS X.
>Consider that you can setup a computer with all of the accounts and
>passwords that you like, but simply boot into 9 and you have complete access
>to everything on the drive.
>Food for thought... the reasons might not be hardware based at all.

Not really - if someone has physical access to the machine then the 
OS security is a moot point. If they don't have physical access then 
they're not going to be able to start Classic, and even if Classic is 
running, how does this make the machine any less secure ?



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