[Ti] FW: TiBook 1GHz/SuperDrive US Mac OS ROM file?

Kynan Shook kshook at mac.com
Sun Dec 29 14:17:35 PST 2002

Luke Mazzeri <etyrnal at ameritech.net> writes:
> I understand the new hardware may pose some problems, but all they
> would have to do for now is update a few drivers...  i think.

Updating the OS for new hardware is not necessarily a trivial task.  
ESPECIALLY if you have to do it twice; once to get OS 9 working, and 
once for OS X.  And considering that most people with new hardware are 
booting into OS X, it's something that can easily be killed.

However, I'm certain that no boxed version of OS X will prevent you 
from booting into OS 9 on an older computer; any hardware that had this 
capability should always have this capability.

Kynan Shook
kshook at mac.com

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