Protecting your Data [was: TiBook 1GHz/SuperDrive US Mac OS ROM file?]

Neil Cadsawan rainer3 at
Mon Dec 30 14:40:57 PST 2002

This was posted on Slashdot the other day and I thought that some  
people here might find it interesting: 

This is actually something that is covered in the new Mac OS X  
Administration and Integration sysadmin technical training course from  
Apple that will be going live in January. As the author of that section  
of the course, let me give you a bare bones outline here.

    1. Log in as the user whose files you want to secure.
    2. Create an encrypted disk image using Disk Copy at the top level  
of the user's home directory. When it asks for the disk image password,  
be sure that the "remember password" option is checked -- this saves  
the disk image's password on the user's default keychain.
    3. Use ditto to copy over the following directories from the user's  
home folder onto the encrypted disk image:
       ~/Application Support/Addresses
       ~/.ssh These are the important ones; you can copy over other  
items as well, but definitely don't do the entire ~/Library folder, and  
don't do the ~/Library/Keychains or ~/Library/Preferences folders.
    4. Set the disk image to automount on login by dragging it into the  
Login Items preferences pane.
    5. Use mv to shift the directories aside (e.g. mv ~/Documents  
~/ and set up symlinks onto the disk image (e.g. ln -s  
/Volumes/Secure/Documents ~/Documents).
    6. Log out and log back in again. The disk image will be automounted  
at login, using the password stored on the default keychain which also  
unlocks on login. Everything should just work! :-D
    7. Now for the housekeeping: delete the .save directories you  
created earlier, and be sure to turn off automatic login in the  
Accounts preferences pane.

Why do it this way instead of the way that Joshua Gitlin wrote up?  
First, you don't need admin access to a machine to make it work. You  
may not have admin access on a company machine, or as a sysadmin you  
may not want to give admin access to most of your users.
Second, using Joshua's method, once the disk image is mounted it's open  
to anyone who has admin access on that machine, whether or not you are  
logged in at the console. By using an automounted image with the  
password stored on the keychain everything is secure until you actually  
log in, and everything is secured once you log out.
Third, this way is a lot more convenient. If you make security too  
inconvenient, users will circumvent it. Instead of two logins, you only  
have to do one. Techincally unsophisticated users (secretaries,  
lawyers, vice-presidents, etc.) don't need to do anything different.

Go to Apple Training [] and sign up for a course or two.  
They're well worth the money and help me keep my job. :-D

psuh at apple dot com
Curriculum Developer
Techincal Training and Certification
Apple Computer



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