[Ti] Laptop Health Warning!

luke etyrnal at ameritech.net
Sat Nov 23 11:57:12 PST 2002

On Saturday, November 23, 2002, at 10:02  AM, Paul Russell wrote:

> "The proof of the pudding is in the eating", as they say.
> Microwave ovens have been in common use since the 1970's. Cell phones 
> since the 1980's. If there was a problem with exposure to RF at these 
> power levels then we would expect to see a statistically significant 
> increase in, e.g. certain cancers as a result.

it seems to me that cancers and types of cancers are appearing more 
frequently than in pre-computer/technological times...

just an impression however.

i have a feeling that this conversation will get POKED into  chat 
soon... where we will then have to do our PEEKS and POKES there...

For an evening of thought-provoking background music...

                              etyrnal at ameritech.net

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