On Wed, 27 Nov 2002, Robert Nicholson wrote: > I notice two small bubble specs appear roughly where my palms rest on > the lighter colored > ti edge. > > Where can I read up on what causes the bubbling and what Apple's > response to this problem is? > > http://www.djedwhite.com/photo/photo.php?dir=Defective_Powerbook http://www.djedwhite.com/photo/photo.php?dir=Fixed_Powerbook http://makeashorterlink.com/?D201212F http://discussions.info.apple.com/WebX?13@195.pY41ap2adpr.5@.3bbb8644 http://homepage.mac.com/jmatwood/tibook/ http://www.uc.pt/ihti/joaquim/titaniumproblem/ http://www.djedwhite.com/letter.html No official response from Apple, BUT the paint issues are being covered now (as of a few weeks ago). Before that, Apple was repairing the pain issues on a case-by-case basis. -- Edmund William White http://www.djedwhite.com ewwhite at mac.com