It never rains but it pours... My son's 667 keeps going to sleep unexpectedly. It happens when booted in 9.2.2 or 10.2.3. It happens when using trackpad or usb mouse. It happens when running off battery or mains. It happens when Energy Saver prefs have been trashed and set again to Never Sleep. It happens even though Apple allegedly fixed this problem a year ago by swapping out the logic board. Maybe 8 or 10 times a night it happens... during games, or while any of his various applications are in active use - the screen goes black without warning and the HD spins down. A click brings it back albeit fairly slowly but this is no way to carry on. We've zapped PRAMs, reset Power Manager (which does seem to help for an hour or two until the blackouts return), swapped batteries, swapped mains adapters, installed fresh systems, run diagnostics, scratched our heads...... Any help out there...? Otherwise back to Apple it goes thanks to an extended warranty. TIA. Simon (Not having a good TiBook week)