on 03/04/12 12:43, JELyon at jelyon at mac.com wrote: > Sources are mono or stereo analog sources (LPs, 78s, 45s, cassettes.) > > I have a TiBook 550 - but that's where the Opcode SonicPort comes in - > it's the USB A/D/A converter. > Understood. > There's some support built in to OS X, but I've discovered that the > Apple supplied drivers don't work as well with it as do the USB ASIO > drivers. > I've always used the built-in drivers. They just work. What do you mean by "don't work as well". > I'd welcome recommendations on audio recording software for OS X. Several weeks ago someone on some list, maybe this one, recommended shareware "Amadeus II" for the type of thing you want to do. I've not tried it myself. Check list archives or search Version Tracker, etc. for "audio". Peak will certainly do the job.