>Open System Preferences and go to the International panel >Click the Language tab >scroll down to the last two languages in the list (probably polski >and magyr, but I don't think it matters what they are) >Swap their positions in the list by click and drag. That worked perfectly! > > >Others have said this problem has been corrected by running Repair >Permissions. >I did both in sequence, so I cannot prove which of the two actions >actually did the job. I did a repair permissions to no avail, so I can attest that it is definitely the weird language switch fixed the problem. Thanks Dennis! -- <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Mike Bigley Maineville, Ohio http://www.norbertrunning.com Please support an American Indian Elder & Medicine Man by visiting the above link. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>