[Ti] Welcoming myself to the world of Ti

Simon Chapman sc at pr100.com
Fri Apr 18 03:24:38 PDT 2003

At 9:02 am +0100 18/4/03, Joel Hopwood wrote:
>Hi all,
>So I've just bought my first TiBook - w00t!
>I am now the proud owner of an apple refurb Ti 667 DVI model, which
>packs a combo drive and 1280 pixel screen (essential for X) and a
>pretty good gfx card in the shape of the 7500 Radeon.
>Naturally the first thing I did was subscribe to this list! I'm running
>software update now, but is there any other essential software that
>makes X better that I should be downloading?
>By the way - I'm pretty much convinced this is the best mac ever made!

It's a fine machine. Hardware-wise (which you didn't ask about) my 667
feels a lot snappier after fitting an IBM 48Gb 5400rpm fluid bearing HD.
You might also need to get a layer of thin foam, suede or similar to lay on
top of your keypad when you close the lid so as to prevent marking of the
screen. And max out the RAM of course - but take great care with the little
plastic RAM retainer clips because they snap when you get close to them. I
was very disappointed though with the viewing angle on my 667 but maybe
yours will have a newer screen. Certainly my 1Ghz 15in TiBook has a vastly
superior screen than the 667 with a viewing angle more akin to the iMac's.

Check for firmware updates especially for Airport and the DVD-ROM.

Software-wise, I know very little about Os X - but more than I did last
week since Apple forced me to install it on the new 1Ghz TiBook en route to
installing Os 9.2.2. Be wary of Os X 10.2.5 - mixed reviews at
macintouch.com and an apparent big bug. For me, the only thing that made Os
X bearable for 10 minutes was the Marine Aquarium screensaver
(http://www.serenescreen.com/product/maquariumx/index.php). Otherwise, it
was a great relief to get booted into Os 9.2.2 which seems much snappier
and, er, finished.


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