[Ti] Best price for Applecare?

b galahad9 at earthlink.net
Tue Apr 22 19:33:09 PDT 2003

Bill Reburn paused, thought it over, and spoke thusly:

>Here are a few quotes from the Smalldog site, whats up with Florida??!! You
>can buy it from Smalldog from anywhere and have full coverage but you'll
>have to ship it to them for repairs. (read below for clarification) There
>are several lawyers on this list - they'll all tell ya, READ THE FINE PRINT
>(I guess you don't need a lawyer to tell you that :-).
>"Not available for used or otherwise out-of-warranty product, or for end
>users in the State of Florida."

Well that's pretty discouraging. I'm living in Florida, but moving to 
Syracuse, NY, so i wonder if I can just buy Apple care when i get 
there. I'm having a minor screen issue. I cannot work without my 
Ti-Book, all my other Macs are either in technical limbo, or on loan 
semi-permanently elsewhere.

When i bought everything nearly 11 months ago, i paid for multiple 
extended-protection plans [all bout through MacMall/PC Mall] . I 
cannot determine which equipment was covered by which protection 
plans. It's madness here, trying to get out of Fla, on a budget that 
is tighter than a mosquito's arse, and a rather impetuous lady 
waiting for me in Syracuse, and a lady publisher breathing down my 
neck [or fretting,depending] over the stability of the one-man nature 
of the 'workflow' <--i.e. me, and continuity.

I have a 'funny' feeling that $500 worth of extended warranties, on 
$13k of gear, will somehow not cover a screen job. Oy!!!!


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