[Ti] Startup time revisited

Michael Bigley wakinyan at fuse.net
Tue Apr 22 22:18:12 PDT 2003

>From the OSX tech list is the best suggestion:
>Make a temporary folder on your desktop.  Move half of your 
>~/Library/Preference files into it.  Log out and back in.  Did the 
>problem go away?  Yes? Move half of the ones you removed back in and 
>repeat.  No?  Move half of the ones still in your 
>~/Library/Preference folder out.  Repeat until you've narrowed down 
>which preferences it is.
>Note that this is just a variation of the classic OS extensions 
>problem troubleshooting.

Well, this method definitely solved the problem:

I have a large number of fonts in my users fonts folder; prior to 
Jag, many apps struggled with the fonts and one of the nice things 
about Jag is that those problems went away. While it is definitely 
worth a couple of minutes of start up time to have those problems 
resolved, I would like to make sure that it is not the result of a 
bad font.

So to the list:

- Are any of you using more than 900 fonts? If so, what if anything 
are you using to manage them and how do you like it?

- Can anyone recommend a good font repair/analysis tool for OSX?
Mike Bigley                Maineville, Ohio
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