I went ahead and purchased OmniGraffle Professional 3.0 yesterday based on the fact that it has most of the basic network shapes that I need and the ability to open and export into Visio (XML) format. In playing around with the product I don't see any major problems or anything with the product. I am a little upset that the manual (PDF) is not yet ready. I do have one questions. When you visit the OmniGraffle Extra's page there are many extra stencils that you can download. At the bottom of that page, there are installation instructions. I would assume that those instructions are for older versions of OmniGraffle as I could not use the extra stencils by following the instructions shown on this page. http://www.omnigroup.com/applications/omnigraffle/extras/ I did send this same general email question to their support email address, but have yet to receive any feedback. Did anyone else purchase the 3.0 version? Can anyone tell me what directory to place the extra stencils in for OmniGraffle 3.0 to see them? Thanks, Jerry K