[Ti] weird words (more OT)

Erika macfiddler at iprimus.com.au
Sat Apr 26 18:20:29 PDT 2003

if expecting a reply, please note my signature, which contains clarification of my
peculiar circumstances.
Paul Russell spake thus:

>>sorry, my latin isn't what it once was, all i remember, clearly, is: 
>>Semper Ubi Sub Ubi
>Caesar adsum iam forte.

Now, now... aegrota semper recta est. ;-) BTW, sol calet australia. XI hora est iam.
quid tempestas habetis hodie trans maribus magnas?

Sorry, but it's ages since I've had a chance to prattle on like that. Forgive me...

   Erica Mackenzie
   Megalong Valley, N.S.W.

  N.B. Please do not be surprised or annoyed if I fail to answer your post for
  some time. I have a fluctuating chronic auto-immune neurological condition,
  and am sometimes unable to use my computer for long periods (weeks or months).
  Be assured that I will reply as soon as I can - if I can. Please be tolerant.


       *Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool*     
       _______________________m(o o)_m_______________________
                              W| U | W

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